Maryland Aerial Photography

DEPCOM Solar Farm / Westover, MD

I photographed a solar field in Westover, MD, just south of Salisbury on the eastern shore. DEPCOM hired me to shoot aerial and ground requirements. The DJI Mavic 2 was my go-to for this and managed to successfully capture this farm while California's fires created a unique haze that traveled from the west.

These aren’t the most glamorous shots, but they give you a glimpse of the machines working with the solar panels. With construction continuing on the farms, I was able to get some higher angles climbing up on gravel/stone piles. The machinery in some of these images created some of the most bizarre sounds I’ve ever heard, and boy, was they loud!

MD 180 (Jefferson Pike) Improvement Project

The year 2020 was a rough one, but there were some bright spots, and one of them was documenting this project in Frederick, MD. Over the span of a year and a half, I used my Mavic 2 drone to capture images of the entire job. Luckily, I didn't lose any drones on this project as I have in the past. At the end of the job, I did use a Mavic Air 2 for personal shots.

Featured here are clips I recorded and put together to show the progress of the construction site. The photographs are one thing, but I love stitching these together. I'm getting more used to the process of making and producing videos.


Project Description: The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) has begun design work on a project to improve capacity and safety along a portion of MD 180 (Jefferson Pike) in Frederick County. The roadway will be expanded to include additional through-travel lanes, an additional bridge over US 15, an additional left-turn lane at Solarex Court and bike lane/shoulders. The limits of work extend over a half-mile from west of Swallowtail Drive to the east of Solarex Court. The project is funded for design, right-of-way acquisition and construction. MD 180 provides connections to-and-from US 15/US 340 and access to residential and commercial developments. The project area is congested during both AM and PM peak periods and future development close to the area will generate additional traffic. Currently, bottlenecks occur along MD 180 between Butterfly Lane and Solarex Court. The proposed expanded roadway will reduce traffic congestion and improve bicycle and pedestrian safety along the corridor.